2 min readMar 31, 2021

Stats Learning Week 1

In Week 1, we generally reviewed what we learned from linear regression model and the key assumptions of linear regression. Four assumptions should be satisfied before fitting a linear model:

  1. Linear relationship
  2. Errors are independent
  3. Errors are normally distributed
  4. Homoscedasticity

The model are in the following form:

Also, we learned about the common statistical parametric tests such as one-sample t-test, two-sample t-test, one-way ANOVA(F-test) and paired t-test. In particular, One-way ANOVA test, which test the equality between several groups, is quite important in regression analysis.

The following picture shows the ANOVA table:

We also learned about how to write a peer feedback and the Dos and Dont’s when giving a feedbackReceiving peer feedback can enable me to reflect on things I may not have thought about and gain an understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of different approaches. In giving and receiving feedback, I am able to develop skills that help prepare myself for future practices and also helps me understand the process of making academic judgements.

The Dos when giving peer feedback:
1. Be specific and clear
Make specific and meaningful description which reinforces behaviour. Utilizing specific examples and facts in a feedback can provide clarity and help our peers to better understand the issues. The more detailed the feedback is, the easier our peers can implement changes.
2. Use descriptive and non-judgemental language
Always be polite when pointing out problems and suggesting changes, which will make the communication easier and smoother and make our friends more likely to take criticism well.
3. Suggest solutions
It is important to provide approaches for improvements after relaying feedbacks, which will also make our friends to pay attention to the weakness in their arguments.

The Don’ts when giving peer feedback:
1. Adding personal opinions
Using personal opinions in a feedback is likely to be less surjective and may not accurately depict the strength and weakness of our peers’ performance. Also, adding personal opinions may harm a person’s confidence.
2. Bring up irrelevant informations
Redundant information is likely to make a person miss the most important points and thus hard to focus on the real issue.